W,sup gangsters & gangsterettes. we are finally live with the new website. Last minute implementations of a live streaming module enables live streaming programming directly from the site instead of third parties like twitch or youtube, witch is awesome, the following week i will update the scheduling.
All the streaming will be done under the swampshack redemption 'flag' this is the name of my streaming music video channel. Inspired by shows like Austin city limits & the muppets, it will feature musical guests who will perform (without a studio audience) original music ,covers & live studio jams. I've had The idea for a while now... a dedicated live music video channel, now the first narrowcast is apon us im really proud to finally realize it. that the technology is finally affordable enough for a mortal to have the same capabilities as a tv station & to combine all my skills in music, video, setbuilding/dressing/ media design etc. to produce my own show with total creative control....
A selection of the items we wil start out with
The sceduling will be in the shows section for specific times & dates. of the live streams.
all the streams will be recorded and archived on youtube for generations to enjoy.
keep you posted & on www.sp3j.nl you can find additional info about the project,